Saturday, August 14, 2010

what they call " independence day"!!!

15 august 1971 day after the independence in Bahrain, the previous Amir Isa ben Salman meeting with Bahraini people for celebrating the independence

regardless of the reason of the arresting of Dr Abduljalil Al Sangeese, and regardless of this repeated event in every year with security threat but it was about what the security source said to the Arabic portal of BNA "not the English" about Al Sangeese planned to do an activities in "what they call it independence day" is what do we call it independence day? isn't it the day British army left Bahrain for us to run our own country, if its not an independence day, then what should we call it?

its our national day for our independence, we are celebrating for what should be our independence of owning our decisions, running our country, sharing the power, its something so normal so normal.

what's wrong with this regime so celebrating the independence day is a crime and we they say " what they call it independence day?"

and in the same day, our government and the king is sending his regard to pakistan for its independence day!!!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Despised: A gift from Michel Jackson to Bahraini Prisoners

more than two weeks now since the Jaw prisoners starting their hanger strikes, more than two weeks and all of what is in the news is a tinny articles here or their , and the national human right created b the royal family and fully supported the regime, the regime is paying their salaries, their food, their price of fuck or been fucked, cause its one of their needs also so don't sue me, more than two weeks, those who suppose to watch us cus we gave them our voices they didn't give a shit about whats going on their, and those mother fuckers is just playing with our kids inside the jaw prisoners, indians, pakistanis or what ever mother fucker is working thier, no body is caring about the prisoners, no body, if some one wants to write some thing for sure he will say that they are wrong, he wont say that the ministry of interior or the ministry without mistakes did some thing wrong, he donesn't need to bullshit us this kamal eldeen and say he will issue a good reports, while his money is paid by the royal family, how ever michel jackson, the one most of the religious doesn't want us to hear him, and the jews doesn't want as usual

i think he talked about you prisoners of Jaw

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

مُتَجاهَلون: اليوم الخامس، الداخلية تهاجم، والكل صمت مطبق

اليوم : الخامس منذ بدأ سجناء جو المركزي إضرابهم احتجاجا على المعاملة المهينة من قبل قوات المرتزقة الداخلية وضباطها الجلادين
المكان : سجن جو المركزي، أقصى الجنوب الشرقي من جزيرة المنامة
الحدث : هجوم مباغت همجي وحشي على المساجين أثناء ادائهم الصلاة واجبارهم على على كسر اضرابهم وجعل بعضهم يشرب الماء
الاخبار : لا يعرف شيء

نعم هو اليوم الخامس منذ بدأ عشرات او مئات المساجين اضرابهم عن الطعام احتجاجا على شيء، أيا كان هذا الشيء، خطأ أو صواب، فإنه الحق لهم في أن يحتجوا، حتى على الله لهم الحق ان يحتجوا وله الحق ان يرد الحجة بالحجة لا الاحتجاج بالقمع والتنكيل ، ويبدو أن القمع والتنكيل هو الشيء الوحيد الذي تعلمته هذه الوزارة التي لا تخطئ ابدا - وزارة الغير صحيح او قير صحيح

صبيحة هذا اليوم واثناء الصلاة، داهمت قوات الشغب المرتزقة المتنوعة من الجنسيات المختلفة، لا اقصد اهانات الجنسية لكنها لا تنتمي الى هذا التراب - الذي باتت تفوح رائحة نجاسته يوما بعد يوم- بقنابل صوتية - في داخل العنابر - وقاموا بمشاركة بعض من قوات الحرس الوطني وقوة الدفاع - التي توا تولت مسؤولية ادارة المستشفى الثاني في البلد بعد أن تأخر عشر سنوات تقريبا - هذا ما يحدث حاليا

الغريب، لم يرافق أي أحد المغوليين اثناء هجومهم، لم يكن هناك ممثل لتيار سياسي، لم يكن هناك شخص حقوقي، لم يكن هناك نائب برلماني يراقب عله تخطئ هذه الوزارة، لم يكن هناك صحفي، لم يكن هناك أحد، لا أحد ، الكل منشغل عنهم، وبعد ذلك سيتباكون عليهم، فهناك من يريد نسبة اصوات عوائل المساجين سيتكلم عن الانتهاك بعد أن ينتهي، وهناك من يريد أن يصدر بيانا يهاجم فيه الداخلية سيستغل الحدث بالطبع، وهناك صحفي يريد ان يزيد نسبة مبيعاته من الصحف فسيقوم بتحقيق خصوصا وأنه بالتأكيد سيكون غاضبا من وزارة الداخلية او الوزير نفسه لامر شخصي ، وغيرهم ممن سيفضى بعد حين ليزيد في رصيده السياسي او المالي او الشعبي

لكي لا اظلم احدا، لا موالاة ولا معارضة، بحثت اليوم في جميع الصحف علّي اجد خبرا ولو مقتضبا عن ما يحدث في جو، الكل صامت، لكأن الكل آمنوا أخيرا بعصمة الوزير والوزارة وانتهوا إلى أنه لا يجوز التشكيك في ضرورة من ضروريات المشروع الاصلاحي وإلا كان مرتد ملي من الوطن لعنة الله عليه من وطن لا يحترم اهله، ويقوي مرتزقته

هل سنعود لنقول مرة اخرى ان الشمس ستشرق من جديد على ايدي المظلومين

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

منسيون - حقوق السجناء في البحرين مع الوزارة التي لا تخطئ ابدا

هذه صورة سجن جو، وهو منذ ثلاثة ايام يعيش اضراب عام لمعظم السجناء ، وقامت قوات الشغب مدعمة بقوات الحرس الوطني باقتحام السجن وارغام السجناء على فك اضرابهم وارجاعهم الى زنازينهم وعنابرهم، والقاء بعض من زعموا انهم المحرضين في عزلة انفرادية او سجن انفرادي، وتم الغاء جميع الزيارات المقررة سلفا

بماذا يطالب هؤلاء المساجين؟
بحسب الاخبار التي يتم تسريبها من قبل الصحافة الشعبية واحيانا قليلة الصحافة التقليدية فمطالبهم تتلخص في الاتي

مطالب السجناء في سجن جو المركزي

1- وضع لجنة محايده يرافقهم حقوقيون للتحقيق في ما يجري من تجاوزات ضد السجناء
2- فتح جميع الامور التي كانت مسموحه في السجن خصوصا ( الامور الدينيه والعباديه ) من احياء ذكرى اهل البيت واقامة الصلاة والدعاء
3- التحقيق في تجاوزات الشرطة على السجناء بالاعتداء عليهم سابقا وفي الاهانات المتكرره للسجناء
4- عودة الزيارات كما كانت للسجناء ومعاملة اهالي السجناء بحترام وبأنسانيه
5- فتح الاتصالات الى 30 دقيقه في الاسبوع حيث انها لا تتعد 15 دقيقه في كل اسبوع
6- السماح بدخول الآكولات والشراب اثناء الزيارة
7- السماح بدخول الاهل من الدرجة الثانيه والاصدقاء في الزيارة
8- وضع مسئول بحريني محترم مباشر يستطيع السجناء الرجوع اليه في حل مشاكلهم بدلا من الشرطة التي لا تجيد اللغة العربيه

وما ضاع حق وراءه مطالب

نقلا عن ملتقى البحرين

بماذا ردت وزارة الداخلية ؟
مجموعة من نزلاء السجن قاموا بالامتناع عن الطعام - جريمة 1 - رفضوا الانصياع للاوامر بالتوجه لعنابرهم - جريمة 2 كما سنرى - السماح بحيازة مواد خطرة - جريمة 3

بالنسبة لجريمة 1 العاقل فقط يستطيع ان يقول انها جريمة ام لا، جريمة 2 و3 لم تكن ضمن مطالب النزلاء او المساجين، فمن اين تؤلف وزارة الغير صحيح كل هذه الخزعبلات، هذه الوزارة التي لم تخطئ أبدا ولن تخطئ

المشكلة في الوضع أن حقوق السجناء في البحرين - بغض النظر كونهم سياسيين او لا - لا تنال القدر الكافي من الاهتمام من قبل الناس ، فبغض النظر عن فساد المرتزقة الاجانب وهم الحراس في ذلك المبنى بلباس الشرطة، فهم من يجلبون الحشيش، شاهدته بعيني يا وزارة الغير صحيح، وهم الذين يجلبون الهواتف- شاهدته بعيني - وهم الذين اذا ما غضبوا من سجين القوه في الحبس الانفرادي وووووالمساجين منسيون بامر المجتمع والدولة، الا من كان له صاحب او حبيب، فانه ينتظر الاخبار القادمة بلهفة ،
وزارة الداخلية - او وزارة الغير صحيح- او الوزارة التي لم تخطئ أبدا ، لم تكلف نفسها ابدا بالنظر في المطالب العقلانية، لم تحاسب مسؤول السجن، لم تحاسب مسؤول مسؤول السجن، لم تفكر في ارسال لجنة محايدة، لم تفعل اي شيء، طغاة متجبرون متغطرسون، لا يهمهم احد إلا اذا نطق اجنبي قوي عند ذلك تراهم صاغرين اذلاء يستجدون العطف والتحرك السريع، طالما لا يوجد من يتكلم في الخارج فهذه الوزارة بكل اجهزتها وشخوصها تمارس الغطرسة والبلطجة ، وان تكلم احد في الخارج، كامريكا ، كالسعودية، فانهم تراهم فعلا صاغرين اذلاء خانعين يعلنون عن فتح عظيم وهو فتح تحقيق في المسالة الفلانية

شواهد من التاريخ القريبقبل شهرين تم تداول معلومات واخبار عن ان وزارة الغير صحيح والتي لم تخطئ ابدا قد قامت باهانة مواطن سعودي وقامت الوزارة بالنفي القاطع، بعد ان ظهر شريط فيديو وتدخل من السفارة السعودية خرجوا صاغرين اذلاء بفتح تحقيق
تم الاعتداء على الشيخ المقداد ولما ان ذهب ليسجل شكوى ضد الوزارة وشخص الوزير تم رفض تسجيل الشكوى- لأنه الوزير الذي لا يأتيه الباطل من بين يديه ولا يخطئ ولا يحدث الخطأ في وزارته مطلقا- وعوضا عن ذلك تمت احالة الشيخ المقداد الى النيابة لشكوتين تم تقديمهما ضده من قبل نفس الوزارة انه اهان الوزارة ومسؤوليها

سمعنا عن عصمة تكون محصورة في صاحبها، ولم نسمع عن عصمة تكون تمتد لتشمل كل المحيطين بصاحب العصمة

الوزير الذي لم تخطأ وزارته، ولم يخطئ في وزارة القير صحيح

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

the bad A9eel (a9eel=sa5eef)

pic by Hussain Khalaf
A9eel is a BIG campaign running by Tamkeen seeking for work ethics and improving the performance of Bahraini workers

as its state in A9eel website the mission is "To ignite thoughts of the work attitudes that will lead to improved employee productivity thus contributing to the economic development of the Kingdom of Bahrain."

once you read that, you will say thats good, but once you go deeply you will find that a9eel is design to protect the rich people againest the poor people, its design to give the lords of money more than what he deserve, and those poor people more blaming, a9eel is just design by the money that those manpower gaive it to tamkeen , and yeah tamkeen is running our money in insulting us, we are paying the money not to insult us, but can any news paper write about this, can any one just tell us why the Bahraini workers at the end tamkeen discovered they are lazy, not good workers, always late, not good performance, and is this the reason for the naturlaization?

its a big shame and a big shit for tamkeen to do this for us and by using our money,

a9eel have a group in facebook , i join it to write something againest it, but its telling me, post is filter?????
good campaign if i can't share my view on it

Monday, March 29, 2010

who to blame in Bin Rajab gate

One of my friends called me one day and keep talking about Bin Rajab money loundry, he was refering to the royal order to dismiss Mansoor Bin Rajab from the Council of Ministers and he was saying that the king will find some one to tell him again that shitte is not trustable and you cannot give them more rights, see what this guy who you give him every thing and what he did to you, and he was afraid that thier will be more discrimination againest shiitte, well i simply answered him, this royal family doesn't need any reason to deal with us as a second citizen, plus, based on 2002 conistitution the ministers is reported to the king who is assigning them and fire them so the one who is responsible for this mistake in choosen the wrong men is not the sector as its the king him self, so if any one wants to blame some one for bin rajab gate, please forward your blame to your king

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

silence point about bin rajab case

People here are busy trying to know the true fact about bin rajab case, and they are so busy to know more, some of them are guided by the identity, either i am shitte or sunni so it will guide me to be supporter or not, but i am thinking of two point

the first one is why only this case they toke it to the cort, forget about all the other things, i think of one reason, and the ministry of interior mentioned it, its about getting a call from out side intellegence and here is the main reason this government it seems got a direct message either you stop this guy or bahrain will be in black list for the money laundary.

the second one is when they asked the reigme about arresting bin rajab, doesn't he have immunity? the answer come, no, in 1973 contisitution they were having this immunity but not any more in 2002 constitution, so it seems we can all take the ministers to the police office, so all of us could take any one we want
please prepair your list

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A ride to HELL

Any one want's a ride to hell, this guy is ready to help you get off this hell (Bahrain) to the other hell which is what we know, even if no different between both of them, but at least you wll be away from all of this politic issues running here , you will just focus on god action

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What's going on between the royal family and alwefaq?

I don't know the real reason for this war and why its been exploded, and i think there is something bigger than this behind the war, but let us talk about what its general

Alwefaq did her general conference which is happening every year, and they invited people from out side Bahrain, Ali Salman who is the big boss in alwefaq society gave a speech about the current situation in Bahrain, he talked about alot of things, constitution, naturlization, descremination,,,etc the things all of us speak about it every day and suffering from it every moment, so the Boss also said that half of the governement is from the royal family plus plus, and plus plus meaning the big positions in this countery is reserved for them

so the royal family get upset and started its dirty war, its all because we said we have more 10 minister from the same family out of 20 minsiters? we just highlight this situation, does it ring a bell in any where? we are just qusitoning this royal family, why there are more than 10 ministers from the same family and the other half of the ministers are from other bahrain, what is the secret behind that? its just a "WHY"

so if the royal family faild to answer and this is what is happening, they started their dirty war, and i am saying its a war between alwefaq and the royal family, its nothing to do with the regime? its nothing to do with the law? its just royal family wants to keep every thing between their hands and people who want real change? which is not going to happen while the lord is supporting them

Saturday, February 20, 2010

لاعتداءات على الصحافة في العام 2009 :البحرين

لاعتداءات على الصحافة في العام 2009 :البحرين

أهم التطورات

> السلطات تحجب المواقع الإلكترونية التي تنتقد الحكومة والملك والإسلام.

> لجوء المسؤولين إلى تقديم شكاوى قضائية مسيسة بحق الصحفيين المنتقدين.

أرقام مهمة

أمرت وزارة الإعلام في شهر أيلول/ سبتمبر بحجب 1,040 موقعاً إلكترونياً على شبكة الإنترنت.

قطعت البحرين خطوات كبيرة على صعيد تحسين سجلها في مجال حقوق الإنسان منذ الإصلاحات السياسية التي تم سنها في عام 2001، ولا سيما فيما يتعلق بالاقتراع العام وحل نظام محاكم أمن الدولة الجائر. ولكن ثمة بعض الإصلاحات التي لم تتحقق بعدُ بالكامل ومنها رفع مستوى التمثيل السياسي للأغلبية الشيعية المهمشة وضمان مكانة أكثر إنصافاً للمرأة في محاكم الأسرة. ولكن شهد مناخ حرية الصحافة، الذي تحسَّن مع إنشاء سبع صحف مستقلة في أعقاب إصلاحات عام 2001، تدهوراً تدريجياً على مدار السنوات القليلة الماضية. وقد تسارعت وتيرة هذا الانحدار في عام 2009 حيث حجبت الحكومة أكثر من 1,000 موقع إلكتروني ولجأت إلى رفع الشكاوى المسيسة أمام المحاكم ضد الصحفيين الناقدين.

أصدرت وزيرة الإعلام والثقافة الشيخة مي بنت محمد آل خليفة في شهر كانون الثاني/ يناير أمراً يفرض على مزودي خدمة الإنترنت حجب المواقع الإلكترونية التي تقرر الوزارة بأنها مهينة. ورغم الاحتجاجات التي أطلقتها مجموعات عديدة مدافعة عن حرية الصحافة بما فيها لجنة حماية الصحفيين، قامت الحكومة بحجب عشرات المواقع إبان الأشهر الثمانية الأولى من عام 2009. وقد تصاعدت وتيرة الجهود الرقابية في شهر أيلول/ سبتمبر حينما أمرت وزارة الإعلام هيئة تنظيم الاتصالات، وهي الهيئة الحكومية المنظمة لخدمة الإنترنت، حجب 1,040 موقعاً إضافياً، حسبما أفاد مركز البحرين لحقوق الإنسان. ورغم زعم الحكومة بأن حملتها تستهدف المواد الإباحية، إلا إن بحث لجنة حماية الصحفيين يظهر أن الحجب قد طال مدونات صحفية ومواقع إخبارية ومنتديات للحوار ومواقع مخصصة لحقوق الإنسان. وقد ظهرت على شاشات مستخدمي الإنترنت الذين حاولوا الوصول إلى تلك الصفحات رسالة نصها: "هذا الموقع مغلق لمخالفته الأنظمة والقوانين في مملكة البحرين".

تمتلك البحرين واحدة من أعلى نسب الإتصال بشبكة الإنترنت بين سكانها مقارنة ببلدان المنطقة حيث إن ثلث سكانها يستخدمون الإنترنت. وكانت البحرين، وفقاً لمركز البحرين لحقوق الإنسان، تستضيف مئات المواقع الإلكترونية من بينها 200 مدونة تقريباً ركز الكثير منها على القضايا السياسية والاجتماعية، ومعظمها مجهول المؤلف. كما تقوم البحرين بترشيح محتوى المواقع المنتقدة للحكومة والعائلة الحاكمة والإسلام، وفقاً لما توصلت إليه دراسة نشرتها في آب/ أغسطس 2009 مبادرة الشبكة المفتوحة، وهي شراكة أكاديمية تعنى بدراسة الرقابة على شبكة الإنترنت.

يعكس الانفصام على شبكة الإنترنت تطور البلاد السياسي على مدى العقد الماضي: خطوات نحو الإصلاح والشفافية تتبعها خطوات إلى الوراء باتجاه القمع. اعتلى حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة السلطة كأمير للبلاد بدلاً من أبيه الأكثر تحفظاً في عام 1999 وأعلن نفسه ملكاً في عام 2002. وكاستجابة للمطالب التي نادت بها الغالبية الشيعية المحرومة في البلاد منذ عقود طويلة، قاد حمد بن عيسى إصلاحات بارزة في عام 2001 تضمنت إطلاق سراح سجناء سياسيين وعودة منفيين وصياغة دستور جديد أحيا البرلمان بعد ثلاثة عقود من السبات. وبعد إصلاحات عام 2001، عادت الحياة إلى وسائل الإعلام البحرينية وأخذت خمس صحف ناطقة بالعربية واثنتين بالإنجليزية تتناول مواضيع حساسة كحقوق الإنسان والفساد والتمييز ضد المواطنين الشيعة. وسعياً لمواجهة ظهور وسائل الإعلام الإخبارية الناقدة، تبنت الحكومة أدوات تشريعية لكتم المحتوى.

واصلت الوكالات الحكومية، بالرغم من الضمانات الدستورية لحرية الصحافة، تطبيق قانون الصحافة والمطبوعات الصارم والصادر عام 2002، وهو يفرض أحكاماً بالسجن لمدد تصل إلى خمس سنوات على خلفية نشر مواد تعتبر مهينة للإسلام أو الملك أو أنها تقوض أمن الدولة أو النظام الملكي. وقد اقترح مجلس الشورى المُعيَّن في مناسبتين – كان آخرها في عام 2008 – إدخال تعديلات على قانون الصحافة بغية تخفيف أقسى ما يرد فيه من أحكام، بيد أن مجلس النواب المنتخب والخاضع لسيطرة العناصر المحافظة كان يرفض التعديلات المقترحة في كل مرة.

كما لجأ مسؤولون حكوميون إلى التقدم بشكاوى جنائية مُسيَّسة بحق صحفيين أعدا تحقيقات صحفية حول فساد عام مزعوم. وفي كل قضية، بدت الحكومة عازمة على مضايقة الصحفيين من خلال استدعائهما مراراً وتكراراً للمثول أمام المحكمة أكثر منها على حبسهما.

أدينت مريم الشروقي، مراسلة صحيفة "الوسط" المستقلة، في أيلول/ سبتمبر بتهمة الإهانة على خلفية مادة نشرتها في عام 2008 زعمت فيها وجود تمييز ديني في سياسات التوظيف لدى ديوان الخدمة المدنية. وعلى إثر تلك المقالة، تقدم الديوان بشكوى جنائية بحق الصحفية متهماً إياها بالإهانة وكذلك بالتلفيق والتشهير وهما تهمتان أكثر جسامة من تلك الأولى. وفي نهاية المطاف، نقضت المحكمة الجنائية العليا التهم الأكثر جسامة وأمرت مريم الشروقي بدفع غرامة مقدارها 50 ديناراً (133 دولاراً أمريكياً). كما أمرت المحكمة صحيفة "الوسط" بنشر موجز الحكم في المكان نفسه حيث نُشرت المادة الأصلية. وفي أواخر عام 2009 كان استئناف القضية لا يزال قيد النظر.

كما استدعيت لميس ضيف، وهي إحدى كتاب الأعمدة في صحيفة "الوقت" اليومية الخاصة، للمثول أمام المحكمة بتهمة إهانة القضاء في سلسلة مقالات نشرت في شهر شباط/ فبراير وحملت عنوان "ملف العار الكبير". وقد تناولت المقالات بالتفصيل التحيز المزعوم ضد المرأة في محاكم الأسرة، وعكست إحدى الإصلاحات السياسية لعام 2001 والتي لم تتحقق. وقد تقدم المجلس الأعلى للقضاء، وهو أعلى هيئة إدارية في السلطة القضائية، بشكوى جنائية بحق لميس ضيف بعد أن رفضت مطلب مسؤول قضائي بكتابة اعتذار ومقالة تشيد بالنظام القضائي. وقد عُلِّقت القضية في أيلول/ سبتمبر ولكنها قد تُبعث من جديد في أي وقت.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Attacks on the Press 2009: Bahrain

Attacks on the Press 2009: Bahrain

Top Developments
• Authorities block Web sites critical of the government, the king, and Islam.
• Officials pursue politicized court complaints against critical reporters.

Key Statistic
1,040: Web sites that the Ministry of Information ordered censored in September.

Bahrain has made significant strides in improving its human rights record since political reforms enacted in 2001, particularly concerning universal suffrage and the dismantlement of an abusive state security court system. But some reforms have yet to be fully realized, among them improving political representation for the marginalized Shiite majority and ensuring more equitable standing for women in family courts. The press freedom climate, which had improved with the establishment of seven independent newspapers in the wake of the 2001 reforms, has undergone a gradual deterioration over the past several years. That decline accelerated in 2009 as the government blocked domestic access to more than 1,000 Web sites and pursued politicized court complaints against critical journalists.

Main Index
• Regional Analysis:
Human rights coverage spreads despite government pushback
Country Summaries
Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territories
Other developments

Culture and Information Minister Sheikha Mai bint Muhammad Al-Khalifa issued an order in January compelling Internet service providers to block Web sites identified as offensive by the ministry. Despite protests from numerous press freedom groups, including CPJ, the government blocked dozens of sites in the first eight months of the year. The censorship effort escalated in September, when the Ministry of Information ordered the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, the government’s Internet regulator, to block 1,040 more sites, according to the Bahrain Center for Human Rights. Although the government characterized its campaign as being aimed at pornography, CPJ research shows that journalistic blogs, news Web sites, discussion forums, and human rights Web sites were also blocked. Internet users who attempted to reach those pages were met with a screen that read: “This Web site has been blocked for violating regulations and laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain.”

With one of the most Web-connected populations in the region—a third of its residents are online—Bahrain had been home to hundreds of Web sites, according to the Bahrain Center for Human Rights. Among them were about 200 blogs, many focusing on political and social issues and most written anonymously. Bahrain filters sites critical of the government, the ruling family, and Islam, according to August 2009 findings published by OpenNet Initiative, an academic partnership that studies Internet censorship.

The online dichotomy reflects the country’s political development over the past decade: Steps toward reform and transparency have been followed by steps back toward repression. Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa replaced his more conservative father in 1999 as emir and proclaimed himself king in 2002. In response to decades-long demands from the country’s dispossessed Shiite majority, he led the institution of significant reforms in 2001 that included the release of political prisoners, the return of exiles, and the drafting of a new constitution that resurrected parliament after three decades of dormancy. After the reforms of 2001, Bahrain’s media underwent a revival as five Arabic and two English newspapers began tackling sensitive topics such as human rights, corruption, and discrimination against Shiite citizens. Facing the emergence of critical news media, the government embraced legislative tools to suppress content.

Despite constitutional guarantees for press freedom, government agencies continued to enforce the heavy-handed Press and Publications Law of 2002, which prescribes prison terms of up to five years for material considered an affront to Islam or the king, and content perceived as undermining state security or the monarchy. The appointed upper chamber of parliament has twice proposed press law amendments—most recently in 2008—intended to mitigate its harshest provisions, but an elected lower chamber dominated by conservative elements has consistently turned back those proposals.

Government officials pursued politicized criminal complaints against two journalists who had produced investigative reports on alleged public corruption. In each case, the government appeared less intent on jailing the journalists than on harassing them through repeated court summonses.

Maryam al-Shrooqi, a reporter for the independent daily Al-Wasat, was found guilty in September on insult charges stemming from a 2008 article that alleged religious discrimination in the hiring policies of the Department of Civil Services. The department had filed a criminal complaint, accusing her of insult and the more serious charges of fabrication and defamation. The Supreme Criminal Court eventually dismissed the most serious charges and fined al-Shrooqi 50 dinars (US$133). The court also ordered Al-Wasat to print a summary of the verdict in the same place in the paper as the original article. An appeal was pending in late year.

Lamees Dhaif, a columnist for the privately owned daily Al-Waqt, was also summoned to court on charges of insulting the judiciary in a series, “The Dossier of Great Shame,” published in February. The pieces detailed alleged bias against women in family courts, reflecting one of the unfulfilled political reforms of 2001. The Supreme Judicial Council, the judiciary’s highest administrative body, had lodged a criminal complaint against Dhaif after she refused a judiciary official’s demands to write an apology and an article praising the court system. The prosecution was suspended in September but can be resurrected at any time.

The Arab Award For Innovation Media to Bahrain's King

The Arab Media Forum gave its yearly award this year to our king Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa, for his support to the media and his hospitality to it, the Arab Media Said that becuae of his majesty support to the media and for his reform project - which just in the media by the way- he deserve this award.

when i went to have a look to the offecial site of the arab media forum i found that they choose the nomination because of their support to the media , but here is a fast look to what kind of support we have it since 10 years of reform project

since 2002 is blocked and whenever their is a way or a link to bypass the local ISPs proxy it should be blocked again

in 2005 3 of Bahrainonline moderator arrested for more than 2 weeks and the charges was insulting HIS MAJESTY

in 2008 more than 7 was arrested because of their online activisim
in 2009 Hasan Salman was arrested because of his online activism and he is still in jail and his charge is publishing public record, which the name of the special forces
in 2009 one news paper was stopped for one day because of one article
in 2009 the new minister of media issued a statement to block more than 100 sites all of them are for the opposition and number one was
in middle of 2009 again the minister of media issued another statement to block more than 1000 sites
in 2009 reporters without borders gave Bahrain low grade for the freedom of media

so is that enought to tell that Arab Media Forum is just another lie?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Ministry without mistake & HRW Report

I spoke many times about this ministry, and i called it the ministry without mistake, because they never ever admit any mistakes happen, they didn't kill us, they didn't torture us, they didn't do any thing, every thing, every fact, every sign to them its just bullshit, and now after the Human right watch report which mentioned clearly that torture exist in Bahrain they refuse and the guy who know in Bahrain with (قير صحيح) Bin Daina again said the same bullshit, its not true,

if that report was in a countery that respect human and humanity, the first thing going to happen is pulling this minster to interrogation for such stories in that report, but with a state like this you can't expect more than " its not true"

please have a look in to this report and see what kind of interior we have, can this minister justify why they are bringing mercenary from Pakistan, India, Syria, Yemen, Iraq,,, etc and they can't trust the native people?

what a shame place to live

Torture Redux

The Revival of Physical Coercion during Interrogations in Bahrain

Posted by Abduljalil Alsingace at 7:06 AM

التعذيب يُبعث من جديد- تقرير هيومان رايتيس عن التعذيب في البحرين

البحرين: التعذيب يبعث من جديد

إحياء سياسة الإكراه الجسماني أثناء الاستجواب في البحرين

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The Dark Age of Bahrain (Period of Mai Al Khalifa)

In November 2008, A show in Bahrain TV about the palace budget respond to fire the previouse minister of media and information, and replace him with a new minister who was always in fight with most of the media and information Ministers, her name was Mai Alkhalifa, from the royal family, in January she issued the first order to TRA to pass it to all ISPs in Bahrain, blocking around 100 sites, most of them are politic sites, the order also advise that all ISPs should use one methode to block sites, no one was talking about who is gona handle the expense of buying , implementing, the new unique methode , isit the ISPs or the ministry of information, or the ministry of interior, their staff went to one ISPs, installed the product, give quick demo on how to use it

few months latter, a list of more than 1000 sites issued by the ministry to be blocked, order sent to all ISPs, a thought of blocking the DynDNS toke a place in the think tank, but it was impossible to apply as some big companies used this service,

few days ago Alwasatnews paper provided a pic of more than 15 Book store banned from particepating in Bahrain internation Book echibition in next march,

today, two international agencies stopped from working in Bahrain, the german and AP,

the Cyber got the first touch, the Culutre got the second, the International media got the third, congragulation, Bahrain is in the Dark Age, i don't recall a period with ministry of information after what they call it reform period worse than this period, the this minister want to control what we surfe through the net, what kind of book we read, what kind of news should be broadcast by the media, and any one who is not following up such orders for the dark age, he should be blocked, suspended, banned, and maybe pulled to court

and yeah be happy, she is today sent a letter to the unisco to add 15 place as a hostirical places, but most of them in the sea, deep in the sea, after stolen all the beaches

if any one is thinking in this country he will know that this person is in the wrong position, in the wrong time, playing the wrong game

Monday, January 25, 2010

Internet Freedom : Hilary Clinton's speech

Few days ago, the secretary of state Hilary Clinton gave a speech about internet freedom, it’s a long speech but the subject is deserver more , I won’t talk about what she said and what is the real US politic or agenda, it’s for those politic to sell their stupid speech for the people, I want to talk about two main subject that Hilary mentioned them in her speech and I want strongly to highlight them so we can compare the promise coming from the secretary of state and the facts we have them in our hands.

The first point was about the freedom of getting the information and have the access to the information without any limitation, regardless of a parliament that can do nothing to get how many been nationalized in Bahrain, because its privacy as the government always said, I would strongly highlight the issue of Hasan Salman the one who published “public Record” with the names of national security forces so he deserve 3 years of jail, he is an online activism, he used the internet to publish public record, he is in jail because he publish that kind of information that based on Hilary’s speech everyone have the right to access, and based on the speech that united state will look in to these incidents closely from now on, so I hope this will be highlighted more and more because there is someone in jail and there is support from the united state to this event

This is will link me to the other point the speech was highlighted, it was about the companies

“For Companies, this issue is about more than claiming the moral high ground; it comes down to the trust between firms and their customers”

So here is the question

Dear united state government, if you are supporting the freedom of internet, and you are asking your companies to do so, tell us, what the hell is your companies doing in Bahrain to support this regime and albandar gate to filter the access to information, what tools this regime is using to block and censor, isn’t it united state companies tool? Blue coat which is the main filtering proxy used here in Batelco the main ISP used in Bahrain, its manufactured and product by American Company with the same name, switches used in most of them is Cisco switches and there is a big news about the deal happen between the e-government and Cisco year ago, the same to Microsoft, so if the united state government is frankly speaking that they want the freedom of the internet, let us hear from them, why these American companies supporting our Retroactive regime, and we have to suffer with this censor ship for more time. What I am asking and hoping it will help, some pressure on those American companies so they stop selling this product to our regime, and if it’s possible cancel the license


Most of the deals happen between American companies and partners in Bahrain, you see albandar gate man there I don’t know why

video for an old protest when Bahrainonline moderators was arrested

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bahrain: harshness and hostility against freedom to use the Internet Minister of Culture and Information violates freedom to exp

Cairo May 7th 2009

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) declares its being disturbed by the persistence of hostility shown by the Bahraini Minister of Culture and Information Mai Al-Khalifa against freedom to use the Internet in Bahrain. This hostility began just after her taking the office at the end of 2008 and became really obvious at her first decision issued in January 5th 2009 entitled "the resolution No. (1) for the year 2009 on organizing blocking websites", the decision's articles obligated all telecommunications companies and Internet service providers to block any Bahraini websites whenever there is a decision made by the ministry.

It seems that the work of the new minister is limited to browsing websites and taking decisions to block them, as the number of blocked sites since she began her work reached more than three hundreds, while the number was only 26 sites before she takes her new ministerial post.

The policies of the Bahraini Culture and Information Minister which reflect increasing hostility to freedom to use the Internet, were fully reflected in retreating her earlier promises to support the freedom of information and culture in Bahrain. The first broken promise was accepting to integrate the two Ministries of Culture and Information in one ministry after her strong opposition to this integration. Just after she became a minister, she began practicing her hobby in blocking the websites and blogs. She also gave all her department's employees the right to block any website, while lifting the blockage requires a ministerial decision.

"The insistence of the Bahraini King on appointing ministers hostile against freedom to expression will remain a major obstacle facing those who demand human rights. And when the ministry of Culture and Information that should protect and empower media and expression freedoms, become the first entity to violate these freedoms, then talking about freedom of expression in Bahrain is just empty words." ANHRI said.

The last blocked websites following decisions by the minister were;
Afaq electronic newspaper and Hwaa Elbahrain blog, which had been added to a long list of blocked websites such as;
Bahrain Center for Human Rights:
Voice of Bahrain Forums
the to blogs: and
The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information:
The Bahrain forum
National Democratic Action Society