Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lebanon’s High Society Gets to Know What Climate Change Really is

cover page


[Embargo till 7pm Oct 24]

Lebanon’s High Society Gets to Know What Climate Change Really is

Beirut Takes Part in the Biggest Global Climate Action Ever

Beirut - October 24, 2009: Today The League of Independent Activists – IndyACT with its partners (British Embassy- Lebanon, American Lebanese Chamber of Commerce, and the Green Party of Lebanon) organized a “Green Carpet” Premiere screening for the blockbuster movie “The Age of Stupid” at the UNESCO Palace, which was attended by a big number of high-profile individuals from the Lebanese society.

“The Age of Stupid” is an enormously ambitious British drama-documentary about climate change, and has won several awards including 2009 Best Documentary Movie. The movie stars Oscar Nominated Pete Postlethwaite as an old man living in the devastated world of 2055, watching “archive” footage from 2008 and asking: “Why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?”

The event comes before less than two months to the Copenhagen negotiations for a new climate treaty, and is part of the Global Day of Action against Climate Change that witnessed more than 4500 actions in more than 177 countries. On this day, people from around the world took action from climbers with 350 banners high on the melting slopes of Mount Everest to government officials in the Maldives Islands holding an underwater cabinet meeting to demand action on climate change before their nation disappears. 350 parts per million is the most carbon dioxide concentration we can safely have in the atmosphere. The current CO2 concentration is 390 parts per million. IndyACT took charge of organizing more than 87 actions in this day all over the region.

The “Green Carpet” Premiere was attended by Ministers, Members of Parliament, Ambassadors, Famous artists, CEOs of corporations and other high-profile individuals. The biggest attraction of the event was a clear message to world governments by the Super Star, Ragheb Alama, around the urgency of having everyone working on climate change, and comparing it to a global war for survival. “I will be in Copenhagen, and I with the rest of the world will have our eyes on our leaders to make sure they reach a strong agreement that would save us from this disaster, and put us on a 350 pathway,” said Alama.

“Not one Arab government has adopted the 350 target so far,” said Wael Hmaidan, Head of the Climate Campaign in IndyACT. “Actually none of the Arab government has adopted formally any global CO2 concentration target, making us the weakest region in the climate negotiations”. Despite that climate change will devastate Lebanese and Arab economies and turn the whole region into a vast desert on the long term, most of the Arab governments treat the Copenhagen process with indifference. Earlier this month, the League slammed the Arab governments for this attitude and condemned especially the negative role played by Saudi Arabia to obstruct the negotiations.

IndyACT calls all the Arab governments to meet the aspirations of their citizens by adopting the 350 target, and making sure it gets adopted in Copenhagen.


Notes to editor:

Further information on IndyACT can be found on:

Photos from the event will be available at:

For more information please call:

- Wael Hmaidan, executive director of IndyACT; Tel- fax: +961-1-447192; Mobile: +961-3-506313, email: Or

- Hiba Farhat, communication director of IndyACT; Tel- fax: +961-1-447192; Mobile: +961-3-320318, email:

المجتمع الراقي في لبنان يتعرف على حقيقة تغير المناخ


المجتمع الراقي في لبنان يتعرف على حقيقة تغير المناخ
مشاركة بيروت في أكبر تحرّك عالمي على الإطلاق من أجل المناخ

بيروت -- 24 أكتوبر ، 2009 : قامت اليوم، رابطة الناشطين المستقلين – إندي-أكت مع شركائها (السفارة البريطانية في لبنان، غرفة التجارة الأمريكية - اللبنانية، وحزب الخضر اللبناني) بتنظيم "سجّادة خضراء" للعرض الأول لفيلم "عصر الغباء" في قصر الأونيسكو، حضره عدد كبير من الشخصيات المرموقة من المجتمع اللبناني.

"عصر الغباء" هو دراما وثائقية بريطانية طموحة جدا حول تغير المناخ، حاز على جوائز عديدة، من بينها جائزة أفضل فيلم وثائقي للعام 2009. بطل الفيلم هو مرشح جائزة أوسكار، النجم بيت بوستلثويت، حيث يلعب دور رجل مسن، يعيش في العالم المدمر في العام 2055، ويشاهد لقطات من "أرشيف" عام 2008 ويسأل : "لماذا لم نقم بوقف تغير المناخ عندما كانت الفرصة لم تزل متاحة لنا؟"

ويأتي هذا الحدث قبل أقل من شهرين على مفاوضات كوبنهاغن، لوضع معاهدة جديدة بشأن تغير المناخ، و يشكل جزءا من يوم العمل العالمي لمكافحة تغير المناخ، الذي شهد أكثر من 4500 نشاط في أكثر من 177 بلدا. في هذا اليوم، يقوم كثير من الناس، من جميع أنحاء العالم، بأنشطة متنوعة، من قيام 350 متسلق بوضع لافتات كبيرة على سفوح جبل إفرست الذائبة، إلى قيام مسؤولي الحكومة في جزر المالديف، بعقد اجتماع لمجلس الوزراء تحت الماء، للمطالبة باتخاذ إجراء بشأن تغير المناخ، قبل أن تختفي بلادهم عن وجه الأرض. 350 جزء من مليون هو التركيز الأعلى من ثاني أكسيد الكربون الآمن والمقبول وجوده في الغلاف الجوي. في حين أن التركيز الحالي لثاني أوكسيد الكربون CO2 هو 390 جزءا من مليون. وتتولى إندي-أكت تنظيم أكثر من 87 نشاطا، في مثل هذا اليوم، في جميع أنحاء المنطقة.

حضر العرض الأول وزراء ونواب وسفراء وفنانون ورؤساء شركات وغيرهم من الشخصيات المعروفة. وكان أهم حدث في هذا النشاط رسالة واضحة من النجم الساطع راغب علامة الى رؤساء الدول حول ضرورة عمل الجميع على تغير المناخ، والذي شبهه بحرب من أجل البقاء. "سوف أكون حاضراً في كوبنهاغن على أملْ أن تتوصَّلَ هذه الدول الى اتفاقيةٍ نهائيةٍ تنقذُنا من هذه الكارثةِ البيئية وتوصلُنا الى مستوى تركيز ثاني أوكسيد الكربون في الجو تحت 350 جزء بالمليون.

"ليس هناك حكومة عربية واحدة قد أعلنت اعتماد هدف 350 حتى الآن"، قال وائل حميدان، المسؤول عن حملة المناخ في إندي-أكت. "في الواقع أيا من الحكومات العربية، لم تعتمد رسميا، أي تركيز عالمي لثاني أوكسيد الكربون CO2 كهدف، مما يجعلنا المنطقة الأكثر ضعفا في مفاوضات المناخ". على الرغم من أن تغير المناخ، سوف يدمر الاقتصاد اللبناني والعربي، ويحيل المنطقة برمتها إلى صحراء واسعة على المدى الطويل، تتعامل معظم الحكومات العربية بلامبالاة مع عملية كوبنهاغن.

في وقت سابق من هذا الشهر، انتقدت إندي-أكت الحكومات العربية على هذا الموقف، ونددت خصوصا بالدور السلبي، الذي تلعبه المملكة العربية السعودية لعرقلة المفاوضات.

تدعو إندي-أكت جميع الحكومات العربية، إلى تلبية تطلعات مواطنيها، من خلال اعتماد 350 هدفا، والتأكد من أنه سيتم تبنيه عالميا في كوبنهاغن.

- النهاية

ملاحظات للمحررين :
للمزيد من المعلومات حول إندي-أكت يمكن الاطلاع على :

صور عن هذا الحدث سوف تكون متاحة على :

لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الاتصال ب :
-- وائل حميدان ، المدير التنفيذي لIndyACT ؛ هاتف ، فاكس : +961-1-447192 ؛
موبايل : +961-3-506313 ، البريد الإلكتروني :
-- هبة فرحات ، مدير الاتصالات في IndyACT ؛ هاتف ، فاكس : +961-1-447192 ؛ موبايل : +961-3-320318 ، البريد الإلكتروني :

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 24th Events in the Middle East (and Central Asia)

October 24th Events in the Middle East (and Central Asia):

Selected Highlights


On October 24, millions of people across the globe will participate in the most widespread day of environmental action in history, attending over 3,500 events in more than 160 countries. Organized by the grassroots campaign, participants are mobilizing to urge world leaders to support a clear solution to the climate crisis: reducing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million.

From capitol cities to the melting slopes of Mount Everest, even underwater on dying coral reefs—people are holding rallies and visual demonstrations aimed at focusing attention on the 350 target.

Global highlights include over 300 events across China; major rallies at iconic landmarks like the Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, the Great Barrier Reef; the Hanging Gardens of Babylon; and 350 Masaii children hosting a traditional dance on their parched fields in Kenya.

This document highlights some of the 200 plus events planned across the Middle East and Central Asia for the October 24 International Day of Climate Action.

Key Contacts:

For events in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia:

Will Bates, Coordinator

For other events in the region:

Phil Aroneanu, Coordinator

For Arabic quotes and information on Middle East Actions:

Hiba Farhat


phone: 009613320318 Spokesperson for the Middle East:

Wael Hmaidan, Middle East and co-founder of IndyACT.


phone: 009613506313

Actions and Events


In some of the first grassroots mobilizing on climate change in Afghanistan ever the Afghan Youth for Social Development and Tolerance will create a 300 square meter message, on the slopes of Paghman Mountain, “mother of the Kabul River,” that reads "SAVE OUR WORLD -- AFGHAN YOUTH FOR 350" using chalk. The youth organizers also anticipate participation from the Minister of Education and officials from the Afghan National Environment Protection Agency all joining in the call for 350.

- Action URL:

- Contact: Sayed Masood,, +93776213066


Algiers, Algeria - More than 900 students at a government school in the country's capital will create aerial art by spelling '350' with their bodies. The students and teachers will spend the day discussing the effects of climate change on Algeria, and how ordinary citizens and the government can help solve it.

Tarik Haoues


Cairo, Egypt - A group of youth activists and their friends and families are gathering with a 350 banner at the Pyramids in mid October. On October 24th the same youth activists are organizing a festival with music, film screenings, and performances to spread awareness on climate change and its effects on Egypt's resources.


Sarah Rifaat

+2 (0) 122560492


Groups are coordinating across all of Iran in unprecedented ways on climate change to spread the 350 campaign to all corners of the country. In the West Mohammad and his friends will have lectures at least in 10 high schools which can inform hundreds of high school students and their families about climate change and 350. In the East, a group of postgraduate students from environment and natural resources faculties are preparing to have an educational event in Mashhad, the second biggest city of country, which can notify thousands of Iranians about climate change and 350. Also, another group has announced that they are going to spread the word by cycling in Torghabeh, one of the main tourist attractions in North East of Iran.

Action URLs:,, and more.

Contact: Will Bates,, 1-203-940-0102


Beirut, Lebanon - partner IndyACT and other groups will come together for a green-carpet screening of Age of Stupid, a climate change documentary, in the presence of celebrities, politicians and media. Earlier in the day, youth climate organizers will walk through the ruins of Roman Baths in the center of Beirut with goggles and 350 materials to highlight the danger of sea level rise in the coastal city.


Hiba Farhat
+961 3320318


Islamabad, Pakistan: There will be seminar on the importance of climate change and 350 in two schools at Islamabad. The environment secretary of Pakistan would be coming for the event, there is also a possibility that the environment minister would be coming for this event.

- Contact: Marina Ahmed,92-331-5201776,

Karachi, Pakistan: The Pakistan Youth Climate Network, Karachi will host a “flash-mob” event in their home city, a spontaneous gathering to draw attention to the crisis of global warming and the need to return to 350 ppm. At 2 pm sharp, students and citizens will gather with face-masks, banners and placards to call for increased air quality and climate action.

- Action URL:

- Contact:Farrukh, 0092321-9222027,

Chitral, Pakistan: In response the rapid changes already being experienced in the Hindu Kush region of northern Pakistan, the citizens of the Chitral and Kalash valleys will be doing a number of activities for the 24th including speech contests on climate change amongst the students, speeches from environmental experts highlighting the importance of a healthy globe for humanity, structuring environment protection groups at schools in Chitral town and the Kalash valleys of Chitral, and a free-style polo match to gather the community and discuss issues of climate change and 350.

- Action URL:

- Contact: Shams Uddin,


Aleppo, Syria: A group of concerned citizens will march from the Saadallah Jabry Square to the City Council builiding, collecting signatures along the way, and educating the citizens of Aleppo about 350 and climate change. They will present the petition to the Mayor of Aleppo, asking that he take steps to reduce CO2 emissions by reducing the number of cars on the road and asking students to bike or walk to school instead of taking the bus every day. The same group will run a series of workshops at schools in the weeks leading up to October 24, educating students about climate change.

- Action URL:

- Contact: Wael Hallaj:



350 at the Hanging Gardens of Babylon: Students of Babel will be holding an October 24 event in front of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the old world seven wonders, to call on all government leaders to take action on climate change. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are one of the most important historical witness about how much our ancestors cared about their environment. But as a result of years of neglect, now all what we can see of it is ruins.

- Action URL:

- Contact: Ali Fakhry,

Israel / Jordan / Palestine:

Uniting across Borders: Israel/Palestine/Jordan for 350: On October 24, concerned citizens from the three countries surrounding the rapidly shrinking Dead Sea will put aside their political differences to rally together in support of the 350 parts per million CO2 target and a strong deal in Copenhagen. In Israel, Palestine and Jordan, crowds will form a 3, 5, and 0 respectively, with their bodies to show that climate change is an issue that requires cooperation above and beyond stale political rhetoric.


Jordan: Abdel Sultan +962 777280823
Palestine: Iyad Aburdeieneh iyad@foeme
.org +972 522553966 or +972 599606542

350 Middle East Spokespeople

Wael Hmaidan, Middle East and Co-founder of IndyAct

Wael Hmaidan is a co-founder of IndyAct, the League of Independent Activists, and the head of the ‘Arab Climate Campaign’ in the organization. The campaign aims at achieving a strong post-2012 climate policy in the region. After successfully organizing events in six Arab countries during a 2007 day of action on climate change (including a climate walkathon in Beirut), IndyAct helped establish the Arab Climate Alliance to push strong climate policy through the Arab League. Mr. Hmaidan has more than 10 years experience in climate change campaigning in the Arab World. His work on this issue started in his capacity as the Greenpeace campaigner for the Arab World, where he helped established the energy and climate change campaign in the region. He participated as a policy expert and speaker in several regional and international climate events. He is also a regional advisor to the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources of Germany (BGR) and UN-ESCWA, as well as a steering committee member of the Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives (GAIA), a global NGO network working on waste management and climate change.

Wael Hmaidan


phone: 009613506313

General Press Inquiries for the Middle East:

For assistance contacting event organizers, Arabic quote requests or other press inquiries please contact:

Hiba Farhat, Communications Director, IndyACT:


phone: +961 3320318

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I don't need sex

where can i buy this if any one could help me ???

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The bad UNESCO

I was driving my car today and saw the police is organizing the highway for around 40 cars flashing their lights and sticking the PM picture happy for his reward of the UNESCO for the ICT in Education

Well its just a question, can I hate the UNESCO, its not about hating Bahrain I love Bahrain, and I would like Bahrain to get more than reward, I am happy if it was real result, but with this situation I have to ask this, what was the point of giving the PM, our schools is poor, the education is not that good, using the ICT we hear about it in official media, but the fact, we have no ICT in our education environment, so what was the point of giving a guy who was proud of killing people – some of them were students – in one of his interviews? A guy who has been in his position as PM for more than 38 years , if our education system is good it will produce another generation who can take the leadership of this country with new blood . what was the point, and the funny is, it’s the king Hamad prize ,

Now I believe that all the UN departments or organizations is just politic