Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ministry without mistake

I want to write about this ministry since long time but every time I said to my self lets don’t' get in such subjects , politics subjects, as am planning to get rid of this shit, but every time with this daily operation ministry you can see that this ministry is really without mistake, this is the ministry of interior

I can understand that they don’t want to be mistaken for some of the issues like Al Shakhoori who killed in front of USA embassy even if the court said so, I can understand that Ali Jassim got the same reason for the ministry to don't be mistaken, ok further I can understand that in every demonstration or protesting they are kicking people ass by there soft bullet which is not allowed to be use inside USA and their onion smell as our greatest ministry always saying

But the things you can't understand is why always this ministry is without mistake, in every where, why this ministry can't feel guilty for one time as we were killed and tortured in there buildings for a years and those who tortured us and killed us still big boss in this shit ministry, how can I feel that this new management did some changes if he is planning for killing us , and bring died body to arrest people for half of year just to keep us in such problems, and when the defender brought an official document prove that this person died before 5 months of the date announced by the ministry of interior, and even when the club confirmed that one of those who arrested for this crime already been in the club playing and having dinner during the murder time
Let us count some of the incidents happen since this new reform they call it after attacking peace demonstration, in the court even if the attack lead to new management and reform but the court didn't say any thing against this government organization

Before 3 years one boy from al sanadi family was driven the car and they was running after him – while its not legal based in bahrain law- until he made an accident and he died because of this and no investigation been made

Moosa AbdAli who have been under attack and tortured for many time , people from this ministry kidnapped him from his house and they rapped him, but nothing happen
Ali Jassim been killed without any investigation, and this ministry were releasing press about his reason of death even before the body been taken to the hospital to find out what is the reason?!

And a lot more than this about this ministry which I didn't see any mistake they did during my life, and why is that

What push me to write this is the meeting happen between the minister and al moqdad who talked about releasing this ministry from the royal family, why this minister is so sensitive about any thing been written about him, and he feel like we are without mistake and he is publishing an article in newspaper after this Police man death document which is prove that he died before 5 month and all things is just a game for a politic demands ?

Just a question for all of you

Would you love to live in a countery and this countery is planning all the time how they can get rid of you?

إيران: التدوين من أصغر مدرسة في العالم

هنا قصة أخرى مغزاها، كيف يمكن للتدوين أن يغير الحياة بطريقة إيجابية، ويجذب الانتباه إلى جانب مخفي في هذا العالم.

عبدالمحمد شعراني مدرس إيراني شاب في قرية نائية بإيران، كتب مدونة عن مدرسته الصغيرة وتلاميذه الأربعة في قرية إيرانية على البحر جمال آباد، بالقرب من البوابة الجنوبية لمدينة بوشهر.

وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية فعلت شيئا أشبه بالمعجزة: وسائل الاعلام الإيرانية وحتى شبكة أخبار CNN قاموا بتقارير عن هذه القرية والحكومة قامت بإعادة بناء البنية التحتية والشوارع ، يونسكو أقرت أن هذه المدرسة هي أصغر مدرسة ي العالم تستطيع مشاهدة صور للمدرسة من هنا.

شبكة أخبار CNN قامت بتقرير حول هذه المدرسة وتم وضعه على يوتيوب.

مدونة ملاحظات المدرس الممحارب (مدونة إنجليزية ترجمت مقتطفات من مدونة عبدالمحمد ) كتبت عن أول تجربة للمدرس بالمدرسة:
في اليوم الأول أصبحت محاربا، فتاة صغيرة ذات صوت جميل جنوبي متواضع، جائت لي، أمسكت بيديها الصغيرتين يدي، طوقتهما كسوار أخضر لتطرد الشر، وأرتني مدرسة كالو الجديدة، المدرسة التي لا تمتلك أسوار ، وكانت على بعد خطوات من البحر.

في هذه المدونة كتب عبدالمحمد أنه أعطى لتلاميذه الأربعة كوظيفة أن يكتبوا موضوعاً عنوانه: ” لو كنت الرئيس”

أحد التلاميذ كتب ” لو كنت الرئيس، لكنت ساعدت الفقراء، لن أترك شخصا يعيش في الفقر،،، سأقوم بتوفير الماء والكهرباء للقرى لكي أساعد القرويين على العيش مرتاحين مثل الأوربيين ولو لمرة واحدة، سأقوم بنشر السلام بين مختلف دول العالم و لن أسمح للدول القوية بضرب الدول الضعيفة.

Baz ham zendegi مدونة (وتعني الحياة مرة أخرى) كتبت:

عبدالمحمد لا يشتكي من عدم وجود المرافق، المشكلة والصعوبة، لكنه يكتب عن الحياة، عن حب التعلم والتدريس تحت أي ظرف ، إنه يعلم الطلاب أن اللطف بكبح الجماح هنا والحياة مع كل ما فيها ترتفع وتهبط مرة واحدة.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Adv and media

In the second day of our fellowship with IREX I discovered that all the media editors and chief although with the instructors are concentrating about the adv in the media and how to get loyal customer or reader in order to get the loyal advertiser and how to keep them, how to pull them, and I just picked up this relation ship between the advertisers and the media in Bahrain and how its totally different here.
Well in our sessions today we had Tom Collinger who talked about the media Brands and how to build customer loyalty and then we had ED Malthouse and Bob Calder who talked about understanding the consumer experience , actually all of them looks like they are completing each others, you will not think at all that one is speaking in west and other in the east. They are explaining the same concept of adv and its relation with the media and how the marketing department should work and how to get the media, which is push us when we have the dinner with Dean John the big boss in the university to continue our question about this relation ship between the media organization and the advertiser, and how should got the power
In the first session Tom was telling us the few things about customer loyalty which is :
Value exchange
And in the other session with Bob and Ed they were going deeply with this and they were explaining the contents\ contact which is interact with the platform then you will be able to define the brand which is your median bio. At the end they gave us practice to write the brand name for al Arabia organization and how we can define the brand then how to improve it
Well this question is continue from the first day and its come here in the second day but stronger, why is the relationship between the advertiser and the media organizer is different in our environment than the way its exist here and why its more healthy here than in our environment. Here as john said, we are selling the advertiser our audience or reader so he will benefit, but in our environment the advertiser is buying our mouths and our silent of what ever mistakes he is doing, I just told them this story about one of our chief editor who told his organization, I don’t want you to write any thing bad about three organizations, one is batelco our biggest telecommunication company in Bahrain, of course with MTC and the second was NBB the national bank of Bahrain and the last is our government as he explain why, he is paying the salaries from their advertiser, so he can't lose their adv because of the concept of the media, how ever he is saying that I am a free media
We don’t have free media in our home, what we have is a trademark relations ship between two companies one is the advertiser and the other is the media either its news paper or what ever, even our parties they are some how linked with the money so they can't get rid of it. This is the fact we are facing it in Bahrain
I am learning a lot of things here and I keep dream that one day our lovely country Bahrain will have the chance to show it self
I have a dream, should I dream the rest of my life

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Frist day in Emerging Leaders Fellowship

Today was our day in the program I am attending " Emerging Leaders Fellowship" in Media Management, we attend the three sessions for today held in Northwestern University in Chicago and the speaker was Mike Smith.

It was the first day and the longest day actually, we start gathering for walking at around 0800 Chicago time and walked to university for 15 mint, then Mike start to talk about the background of Chicago and the university, also some of the American Culture and history been covered in this session, it was interested session we didn't feel that the time is passing on until the coffee break which is scheduled to be in each 90 mint.

The second session start at around 1015 with Mike Smith also who talked about the strategy background and the important of having strategy for any project and he list the 7 point you should follow for this strategy which is

and we were having a debate about the different between the strategies, goals and tactics as it was not clear for some of us, the debate also was great so each one will benefit from others

after the lunch we were having our 3rd session with Hazel Reinhardt who talked about understanding the shifting sands, she was trying to let us understanding the environment we are working in and whom to target in our media business , she continue talking about this even after the break for the session No 4 with more numbers and statics she provide it for us.

At 1700 we attend the special lecture for David Ropeik and he was talking about risk communication and this is one of the best lectures i attend them since i came to USA , people here know how to analyze things and passing the messages directed we should learn from their way, David was talking about how is the bad news for you is a good news for the media and he mentioned that the news paper or media although the writer wants his name to be in the front page so he will do what ever strange even if its bad for you to get his name in the first page next day.
At the end we were having the dinner at the Allen center where is our class is located in the university

now let me talk about this place we are in and how its a pretty place, the weather don't ask me about it, its cold at the morning when you wake up, but after that its hot until night, they are talking that tomorrow its gonna rain and it will be cold after few days, i am suppose to spent around 21 days here in Chicago and i waiting for this cold to come, the trees got multi color, you can see it yellow , green, red, and in the first time in my life, i can see that the same tree got more than 4 colors in the same time, there is only one things bad here, is when its come to 1900 you feel like in Arab cemetery were every things is dark and you don't see the city as the down town is 40 mint by the bus far away, actually its a college city not a normal city

meet you in our next day in great program